£ 1 050 / $ 1 317 / € 1 264 sq. m
)Location: Barcelo Royal Beach complex
Distance: Burgas town - 35 km, beach - 150 m, supermarket - 150 m, from bus stop - 250 m, bus station - 1 km, aquapark - 1 km, pharmacy - 350 m, airport - 26 km, the resort center - 400 m
Total size: 108 sq.m
Floor: 6 (normal)
Floors: 9
Bedrooms: 2
Bathrooms: 2
Construction type: brick
Stage of construction: permission to useYear of construction: after 2000
Exposure: seaview, pool view, landscaped yard view
Joinery: PVC
Heating: air conditioner
Characteristics:Предлагам два тристайни апартамента в елитния петзвездния крайбрежен комплекс Барсело Роял Бийч, разположен на втора линия море в центъра на к.к. Слънчев бряг.
Апартаментът, който представям с тази оферта, се продава напълно обзаведен и оборудван. Намира се на шести жилищен етаж със следното разпределение: всекидневна с оборудван кухненски бокс, две отделни спални, две отделни бани с тоалетни и три тераси. Едната от спалните е разполага със собствен санитарен възел. И трите тераси са покрити. Има централна климатизация и отопление във всяка стая.
Другият тристаен апартамент е с идентично разпределение.
Ваканционен комплекс Барсело Роял Бийч, е от затворен тип, разполага с денонощна охрана. Има добре поддържана градина, три открити басейна, вътрешен басейн, фитнес център външно и вътрешно джакузи, СПА център с сауна и турска баня, инфрачервена кабина и парна баня и масажен салон, солариум.
На разположение са няколко ресторанта, барове, интернет кафета, детски площадки, бизнес център, както и голям подземен паркинг. Т
Търговската зона на комплекса разполага със 110 магазини и луксозни бутици.
Към услугите за собствениците на апартаментите има отделна рецепция в хотела.
Сигурността е осигурена от система за видеонаблюдение, магнитни брави и частна охрана.
Годишна такса за поддръжка е в размер на 15 евро на кв. м.
Без комисиона от купувача!
На разположение съм за организиране на огледи.
1. The listed price does not include the commission remuneration of Mirela and the state costs for the transaction (local tax, notary fee and taxes to Registry Agency, which ( tax and fees) amount to about 3% of property value.
2. Our usual remuneration, which you owe when you purchase property is 3 % (excluding VAT) of the property sale price, not less than EUR 2,000 (excluding VAT). This commission does not apply to holiday homes and rural properties. For some properties the commission is subject to explicit agreement. We advise you to ask your agent in advance for the particular property you are interested in.
For consultation on calculating transaction costs, you can contact a lawyer of Mirela LTD at +359 883 940 027 from 09:00 to 18:00 on work days.
3. In order to organize a property viewing you should conclude an Assignation order with Mirela. You can submit that order and online.
4. There is a possibility this property to be with No commission for the buyer or to have other preferential conditions for payment of the remuneration - ask the agent of the offer.
5. Under the conditions of the concluded Assignation order you are entitled of additional discounts.
6. The remuneration shall be paid within 5 days after the implementation of the transaction. This payment can be in the means of bank transfer to Mirela's bank account.
7. You owe a remuneration only if you purchase that property - you do not owe anything in advance.
8. You can give a guarantee of your intention to purchase the property and to place in advance the conditions under which You will make a deal. If we do not manage to negotiate the same conditions, we will refund the guarantee.
9. The negotiations on the deal are made, through the mediation of Mirela. The draw up of documents for the transaction is carried out by Mirela, unless you are willing to use your own solicitors.
10. You can sign a preliminary contract for purchase- sale of the property, leaving the seller a DOWN PAYMENT or go directly to signing the final contract (notary deed) - we will offer You options and our opinion on this issue, but the decision is yours and we comply with it.
11. If after a concluded with our mediation purchase-sale contract, a final contract for purchase sale is not concluded through the Seller's fault, MIRELA obliges to search another property, as You do not owe an additional remuneration for following implemented deal.
12. To avoid misunderstandings, you will be notified by e-mail and SMS through all stages of the transaction.
13. You have a guaranteed possibility to share your impressions of the service and to level criticism or recommendation directly to the management of Mirela.14. For deals worth over 10 000 BGN, it's obligatory the provision of guarantee and payment of amounts of the sale price of the property to be made in the means of bank transfer.
We work in an open, accountable way, with clear rules.
Do not hesitate to send all your questions to the agent who is in charge with the offering of the property.
We will be glad to have You as our client!