£ 11.8 / $ 14.5 / € 14 sq. m
)Distance: underground station - 100 m, main street - 50 m
Total size: 1250 sq.m
Built-up area:: 1250 sq.m
Floor: 2 (normal)
Floors: 6
Construction type: brick
Exposure: south
Joinery: Aluminium casement windows - luxury
Characteristics:Отдавам под наем премиум клас офиси в елитна офис сграда, разположена в близост до бул. Черни връх, Paradise Center и метростанция Витоша.
Сградата е луксозно изпълнена: окачена стъклена фасада в съчетание с каменна облицовка, висок клас алуминиева дограма, надеждна вентилационна система, луксозни общи части, високоскоростни асансьори, подземен паркинг. Специално внимание ще бъде отделено и на охраната и сигурността.
Офисите, които предлагаме, са с площ 1250 кв. м и са разположени самостоятелно на етаж. Състоят се от работно помещение tip open space, кабинет за управителя и самостоятелен санитарен възел. Всички разполагат с растерен окачен таван, LUX LED осветление, структурно окабеляване, контролиран достъп за входните врати.
На ниво партер се отдават офиси с площ от 100 кв. м, които са много подходящи за ползване от банкови клонове или магазини, като цената е 25/кв. м евро без ДДС.
1. The listed price does not include the commission remuneration of Mirela.
2. In order to organize a property viewing you should conclude an Assignation order with Mirela. You can submit that order and on-line.
3. You owe a remuneration only if you lease that property with Mirela - you do not owe anything in advance.
4. Our usual remuneration is 50 % (VAT excluded) of the monthly lease, but not less than 100 euro.
5. Under the conditions of this Assignation order, You are entitled of additional discounts of this remunerations.
6. The remuneration shall be paid after the conclusion of the lease contract. This payment can be in cash or in the means of bank transfer to Mirela's bank account.
7. You can give a guarantee of your intention to lease the property and to place conditions under which You will make a deal. If we do not manage to negotiate the same conditions, we will refund the guarantee.
8. The negotiations on the deal are made, through Mirela. The draw up of documents for the transaction is carried out by Mirela, unless you аре willing to use your own solicitors.
9. If after a concluded with our mediation lease contract, the same contract is terminated through the Lessor fault, we oblige to search another property, as you do not owe a remuneration for following implemented deal. This conditions apply to lease contract with lease period for more than 1 year, if the contract is terminated until the third month.
10. To avoid misunderstandings, you will be notified by e-mail and SMS through all stages of the transaction.
11. You have a guaranteed possibility to share your impressions of the service and to level criticism or recommendation directly to the management of Mirela.
We work an open, accountable way, with clear rules.
Do not hesitate to send all your questions to the agent who is in charge with the offering of the property.
We will be glad to have You as our client!