AUSTRIA - 4 Shipka St., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9803572
ALBANIA - 10 Krakra St., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 443381
ALGERIA - 16 Slavyanska St., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9802250
ARGENTINA - 36 Dragan Tzankov Blvd., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9712539
AFHGANISTAN - 61 Roryana St., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 567155
BELGIUM - 1 Velchova Zavera Sq., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9633662
BRAZIL - 19 Joliot Curie St. bl. 156, Sofia - tel: + 359 2 723527
CAMBODIA - Acad. Andrey Saharov Blvd. bl. Residence 3, Sofia - tel: + 359 2 757 135
CHINA - 5-7 Henn. Barbusse St., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9733873
COLOMBIA - 1 Aleksander Jendov St. et.1 ap 37, Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9713103
CROATIA - 18 Krakra St., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9433225
CUBA - 1 Konstantin Shtarkelov St., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 720 996
CYPRUS - Yuri Gagarin St. Bl.154a et.1, Sofia - tel: + 359 2 701077
CZECHIA - 9 Yanko Sakazov Blvd., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9461111
DENMARK - 10 Tzar Osvoooditel Blvd., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9800830
EGYPT - 5 6th September St., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 881 509
FINLAND - 57 Simeonovsko Chaussee Blvd., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9625870
FRANCE - 29 Oborishte St., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9460380
GERMANY - 25 Joliot Curie Str., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9634518
GREAT BRITAIN - 9 Moskovska Str., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 933 92 22
GREECE - 33 San Stefano St., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9461027
HOLLAND - 15 Oborishte Str., Sofia - e-mail:[email protected]
HUNGARY - 57 6-th September Stri, Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9630460
INDIA - 31 Patriarch Evtimii Bvld., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 882522
INDONESIA - 53 Simeoneovsko Shousse, Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9625240
ISRAEL - 1 Bulgaria Blvd., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9515044
IRAN - 77 Vassil Levski Blvd., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9876173
IRAK - 21 Chehov St., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 722 016
ITALY - 2 Shipka St., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9807747
JAPAN - 14 Lyulyakova Gradira St., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 723 984
THE DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF KOREA - Acad. Andrey Saharov Blvd. b 1. Residence 4, Sofia - tel: + 359 2 779 596
KOREA - Bulgaria Blvd., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 650 164
KUWAIT - Simeonovsko Shousse Res.15, Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9625689
LAOS - Hosing Estate Ovtcha Kupel Boryana Str. bl. 215-A, Sofia - tel: + 359 2 566 996
LEBANON - 19 Joliot Curie St. bl. 1, Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9713169
LIBYA - Andrey Sakharov Blvd. Res.1, Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9743556
MACEDONIA - 17 Joliot Curie Str., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9712832
MOROCCO - 129 Evlogi Georgiev Blvd., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 44-27-94
MONGOLIA - 52 Joliot Curie Str., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 659012
PALESTINE - 22 James Baucher St., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 668 860
PERU - Joliot Curie St. bl. 17, Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9713708
POLLAND - 46 Khan Kroum Str., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9815746
PORTUGAL - 6 lvatz Voivida St., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9433667
ROMANIA - 4 Sitnyakovo Blvd., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9712858
RUSSIA - 28 Dragan Tzankov Blvd., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9630912
SLOVAKIA - 9 Yanko Sakazov Blvd., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9433281
SPAIN - 27 Sheinovo St., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9433032
REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA - 3 Vassil Aprilov St., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 442 916
SWEDEN - 4 Altred Nobel St., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 723 871
SWITZERLAND - 33 Shipka St., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9460197
SYRIA - 10 Hristo Georgiev St., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 441 585
TURKEY - 80 Vassil Levski Blvd., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9802270
UKRAINE - 53 Simeonovsko Chaussee Blvd., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 683064
URUGUAY - 91 Tzar Assen II St., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 441 957
USA - 16 Kozyak Str., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 937 5100
VATICAN - 6 11th August St., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 810997
VENEZUELA - 1 Toulovo St., Sofia - tel: + 359 2 9433061
Bulgarian must-see places
Useful advice for your stay in Bulgaria
Information about the most popular Bulgarian beach and ski resorts
The town of Bansko has developed into a modern winter resort in just few years with its ski facilities and hotels offering accommodation at average to high prices. The place is particularly popular among foreign tourists, drawn by the blend of antique Revival-time architecture and up-to-date amenities
General Visa and Passport Information for Bulgaria (Consular Information)
Public holidays in Bulgaria. Most interesting carnivals and festivals
Links to the web-sites of all Bulgarian state institutions - the President, the Parliament, the ministries, etc. State agencies and commissions
Basic information about the social insurance, pension insurance, and health insurance systems in Bulgaria
Concise facts and figures about Bulgarian geography, government, economy, communications, transportation, etc.
Driving regulations in Bulgaria, driving conditions, violation fines, speed limits, etc.