Goritsa is a village in southeastern Bulgaria, part of the municipality of Pomorie, Burgas Region.
Three more villages in Bulgaria have the same name. Located in the municipality of Byala, Varna region, municipality Popovo, Targovishte Municipality and General Toshevo, Dobrich Region.
It is 40 km north of Burgas, 37 km northwest of Pomorie and 25 km northwest of the town of Nessebar.
The population is around 800 inhabitants.
The terrain is hilly plain with an average altitude of about 250 m.
The climate is temperate. Winter temperatures are about -1ºC and in summer around 24ºC.
The village is well-developed with excellent infrastructure, including electrification, water-main, partial sewerage system, telephone, internet and cable TV.
Regular bus transport connects it with the administrative center - Pomorie.
There are primary school, community center, retirement home and church. The village has a network of shops, restaurants and a post office.
A general practitioner serves the population of the village.
Places of interest and tourism
The Magnificent sceneries and closeness to the mountains offer opportunities for hiking and picnics.
Sunny Beach Resort and Elenite are located about 20 km away.
The surrounding area has two dams - Poroy and Aheloy that are suitable for fishing, hunting and relaxation.
The convenient connections with the towns of Pomorie, Nessebar and Sv. Vlas offer opportunities to visit the attractions located there.