Benkovski is a village in the northeastern Bulgaria, part of the Avren municipality, Varna region. It is located 15 km away from the city of Varna, 15 km away from the municipal center of Avren and 14 km away from the sea-coast.
The population numbers to 474 people. The relief is flat-hilly. The climate is temperate-continental, influenced by the proximity of the Black Sea - the summer is cool, the autumn - rainy, teh winter is mild and the spring is warm and fresh. Altitude - 250 m.
In the village there is a kindergarten, a pensioner's club, a community center, a park, a stadium, a post office, church and a mosque, food shops and a cafe. A computer hall with Internet and a library are available in the village, as well.
The infrastructure is very well-developed. All properties in the village are electrified and supplied with water, regular public transportation is available to the city of Varna and the nearby villages. The locals are taking advantage on all modern communications - internet, cable TV, telephone.
The village is a host of many cultural and public events. Every year here are organized celebrations of the Day of the Wine /February 14th/, the Day of the Midwives /January 22nd/, the fair of the village /the last Sunday of September/, the day of the saint the local church is dedicated to, The Day of the Woman /March 8th/, the first of spring etc.
The area is ecologically clean. There are many trees, clear air, natural reserves nearby and lack of industrial enterprises, which provides good conditions for the development of eco-tourism.
Agriculture is one of the main directions the municipality is developing. It benefits from the fertile soil and the good climate.
In Benkovski there is an ostrich farm, a confectionery workshop, two furniture workshops, a company for the manufacture of fireplaces and a production base for hewn stone, a workshop for manufacture and sewing of yacht sails, a snails breeding farm.
Sources:; the web-site of municpality of Avren
Pictures: Mirela