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Blagoevgrad region

Bulgarian properties in Blagoevgrad Region


The district is situated in the South-western Bulgaria and borders Greece, Macedonia and four other districts - Kustendil, Pazardzhik, Smolyan and Sofia. It consists of fourteen municipalities - Bansko, Belitsa, Blagoevgrad, Gotse Delchev, Garmen, Kresna, Strumyani, Hadzhidimovo, Yakoruda.


The climate in Blagoevgrad region is extreamly favourable. The winter characterizes with higher temperatures compared to the other regions in Bulgaria- the average temperature in January is about -1о  up to -0,8оС, the regions influenced by the Mediterranean- Blagoevgrad, Kresna, Sandanski, Gotse Delchev and others, in the valleys of Struma river and Mesta river- up to 1˚C- 2˚C but it can reach even 20 ˚C. The snow-cover almost never lasts long except in the regions with higher altitude. 
The summer is hot, with average temperature in July 24 ˚С, but the summer in the regions of Mesta river and Struma river is hot, the snow-cover during the winter forms once in several years. There are numerous rainfalls during the autumn and winter, but the summer characterizes with drought. 
The warmest Bulgarian town - Sandanski is situated in the region. 

The regions includes the mountains, or parts of Rila, Pirin, Ograzhden, Vlahinska, Rodopi and Belasitsa. The population is concentrated along the valleys of the major two rivers - Struma and Mesta. The region features with beauty, greenery and wonderful places for mountain tourism. A number of national parks and protected territories bring the variety of the flora and fauna.


The international transport corridor number 4 passes through the territory (Germany - The Czech Republic - Slovakia - Hungary - Romania - Bulgaria - Greece/ Turkey). There are four checkpoints in the district (two at the Greek border and two at the Macedonian one). The railway has international importance.


The region is characterized with diversified branch structure. The main industries are food and tobacco processing, textile, timber and furniture, iron processing and machinery, construction materials, etc.

education and healthcare

The South-western University and the American University in Bulgaria are situated in Blagoevgrad. Annually the city drawns about 10 000 students from the country and abroad. The number of the schools in the district is 182.
There are 14 medical establishments, including four major hospitals.

culture and entertainment

A theatre, a library and an opera house are situated in the district centre. There are art galleries in Bansko, Blagoevgrad and Sandanski. Ten museums preserve the rich historical, ethnographic and archaeological heritage in the region. Cultural events include the Theatre Festival in Blagoevgrad, Jazz Festival in Bansko and the Melnik Evenings of Poetry.
There is a stadium, swimming pools, sport complex with dormitory, athletics, baseball and tennis facilities. Bansko is a popular skiing centre with modern facilities constructed.

Sources: The official site of region Blagoevgrad and Wikipedia.

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