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Haskovo region

Bulgarian properties in Haskovo Region


Haskovo region is situated in central part of South Bulgaria and its territory extends on 5 543 sq. km. or 5% of the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. The region includes 261 populated areas, organized in 11 municipalities – Haskovo, Dimitrovgrad, Svilengrad, Lyubimec, Harmanli, Madzharovo, Simeonovgrad, Ivaylovgrad, Topolovgrad, Mineralni bani and Stambolovo. The population of Haskovo region is about 240 000 people, which represents 3.46% of the country’s population. In the cities lived 70.6% of inhabitants and in the villages 29.4% of inhabitants.

The region of Haskovo includes the valley of the Maritza River, the Haskovo hills and parts of the Upper Thracian lowlands, Sakar Mountain and the Eastern Rhodopes. To the Southeast it borders on the Republic of Greece and the Republic of Turkey. The rivers Maritza, Arda and Tundzha flow through the territory of the region. Roads connecting the Mediterranean with Thracia and the Rhodopes have been built along the rivers since ancient times. Many monuments from the Thracian epoch, the Greek antiquity, the Roman times, the Middle ages and the Renaissance are preserved in the region.



The climate in the region is favorable because of the influence by the Mediterranean. It is very typical especially in the southern part of Haskovo regio and along the river valley of Arda - in Ivaylovgrad, Lyubimets, Madzharovo and etc. The climate characterizes with soft winter and not lasting snow-cover, hot summer- the temperatures often can reach 40˚ С. The spring starts early-in the begining of April, while the autumn is warm and lasts longer. Droghts are typical during the summer. 



Favorable factor of the region is regional and national border with two neighboring countries – Greece and Turkey. Two key transcontinental roads cross the territory of Haskovo region. The first road connects West and Central Europe with Istanbul and Asia, the second one – North Europe with Mediterranean. The distance from Haskovo to the Greek and Turkish border is about 60 km., to Sofia – 230 km., and the entire road network is 1 882 km.


The lands of Haskovo region are a cradle of a rich and ancient culture. The Thracians, the legions of the Roman empire, the Slavs and the proto-Bulgarians have left an imprint, but also and all the nationalities, that lived at these lands.
There are vestiges from the early Neoliths and the New stone age near the mound “Chavdarova cheshma”, Simeonovgrad municipality and the mounds near Dimitrovgrad and the villages Bulgarin, Dinevo, Pyasachevo, Bolyarski izvor ets.

The gravestone Thracian mounds, the numerous complexes of sanctuaries, the necropolises, the fortresses and the dolmens in Sakar Mountain and in the Eastern Rhodopes are all bright proofs of the active presence of Thracian population at these places. The monumental cupola tomb near Mezek village and the big tomb, covered with wall paintings near Alexandrovo village, dating back to the 4th century BC, are evidence of exceptional high culture of the population, living in the area of that time.


Haskovo is described as region with good developed structure, good market traditions, a skilled labour and comparatively good developed sector of small and big enterprises.
The big companies in that region are major movable strength of the local economy, while others small companies contribute to the success of business environment and for create optimum conditions for accelerated development. For progress of industry in Haskovo region is approve of private companies which are created with Bulgarian capitals and they find good realization at the world and home market.

Health care

The region of Haskovo has the following types of hospitals for primary care:

  • 2 Diagnostic Consultative Center
  • 19 Medical centers
  • 1 Medical-Dental center
  • 16 group practice
  • 16 Medical and Diagnostic Laboratories 
  • 39 Medical and technical laboratories
  • 2 Hospice

Specialized medical care is carried out in 11 hospitals: 6 hospitals /in Haskovo, in Dimitrovgrad, in Harmanli, in Svilengrad, in Topolovgrad and in Lyubimec/; 1 private hospital and 4 dispensary in process of transformation.

Natural landmarks and historic monuments


  1. Natural landmark: Field  of snowdrop
  2. Natural landmark: Boaza
  3. Alexandrovo Thracian thomb in village of Aleksandrovo
  4. Church of the Virgin Mary – town of Haskovo
  5. The oldest mosque  - town of Haskovo
  6. Paskals house
  7. Shishmanov's house
  8. Hisarya fortress of the Middle Ages
  9. Asenova fortress near village of Klokotnitsa


  1. Preservation area Zlato pole is the only one of the damp zones along Maritsa River, it is oasis for  rare flora and fauna and animals species
  2. Nymph Sanctuary – Thracian sanctuary at village Kasnakovo
  3. Drag down marsh between villages Golyamo Asenovo and Byal Izvor


  • In 1525 a bridge was built over Maritsa River. It connects both parts of Svilengrad and is one of the most remarkable monuments in Southeast Europe. It is declared national monuments and is under the protection of UNESCO. The bridge is 300 m long, 6 m wide has 20 arches
  • Medieval castle at the Kaleto area
  • Thracian tomb near Mezek village dating the centuries II-III BC.
  • The medieval Bulgarian necropolis in Svilengrad
  • The rock churches in Mihalich and Matochina  villages
  • The Thracian hill

Mineralni bani

  1. Well kept reserve Boraka  in village Sarnitsa
  2. Natural sights in the municipality – the rock formations Orlova  skala in village Sarnitsa
  3. Protected place  Aida in village Spahievo
  4. Natural sights in the municipality  - the rock formations Ogledalnata skala
  5. Natural sights in the municipality – the rock formations Pobit kamak
  6. Remain of the old castle Kaleto
  7. Remains of the Thracian time are the Sharapanite


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