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Kardzhali region

Bulgarian properties in Kardzhali Region


Kardzhali region is set on the Northern slopes of Eastern Rodopi Mountains and has square surface of 3 216sq.m. in the South-eastern part of Bulgaria. The region borders Smolyan region on the West, Haskovo region on the North and the border of Greece on the South and South-east. The good location gives opportunities for excellent development of the region in the future. The relief is mountainous or half-mountainous and is strongly crossed by ridges and narrow valleys. Arda river passes through the city of Smolyan. The most fertile lands are on the valleys of Arda river and on its tributaries in the North parts of the region.


The climate of Kardzhali region is mild and wet. It is strongly influenced by the proximity to the Mediterranean Sea. The climate characterizes with soft winter - the snowfalls are usually during December, January and February, and the snow-cover almost never lasts. The summer is hot and dry, the temperatures often reach 40ºC. The spring comes early and it is warm. The autumn characterizes with lots of rainfalls. 
Next to village of Kirkovo is the Varnitsite land that comprises several mineral springs.


In economical plan the region has well-developed machinery construction, ores and minerals production, colour metallurgy, tailors, knit wear, furniture, food industries, tourism and public services. The main crop is the oriental tobacco with square surface of about 53 200sq.m. that gives the main means of living of the inhabitance.
The quick development of the tourism is a result from several good preconditions such as the beautiful and ecologically clean nature, the recreation potential for water sports, the rich historical heritage, the suitable conditions for organized hunt tourism, etc.
The realization of the cross-border infrastructure projects for cross-border cooperation will give new opportunities for intensive development of the international tourism in the district.
The employment in the region is mainly in the spheres of industry, construction, business, transport and public services.


Main roads in  the region are the following directions: on the North - South passes the first-classed road I-5 which is a part of the international road E-85. In Haskovo and Ardino directions are situated two third-classed roads. Key significance of the region will have the checkpoint Makaza. The checkpoint will make corridor 9 a very essential thoroughfare in the region.
Kardzhali district comprises an airport for helicopters with good constructed transportation connections with the railway station, the bus station and the city itself.


The two big dams in the two ends of the city are a perfect place for relaxation, sport, tourism and entertainment. A lot of villas, restaurants and other amenities are constructed there. After the wall of Studen kladnets dam the incredibly narrow canyon of Arda river can be seen. It is called The Devil's bridge. Here are the excavations of Perperikon - an ancient sanctuary with unique architecture, rising above the city. An excellently constructed net of tourist routes, including mountainous huts and relaxation stations are available.

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