Pernik region is situated in Western Bulgaria. The region borders Sofia city on the East, Serbia on the West, Sofia region on the North and South-east and Kjustendil region on the South. Pernik region includes the following municipalities: Breznik, Zemen, Kovachevtsi, Radomir and Trun. The administrative and economical centre is Pernik.
Pernik Municipality is situated in the hollow of the same name, which is distinguished by its well-developed foot, as well as with the predominant development of high terraces. The hollow's floor is of a hilly nature. The Struma River and its tributary, the Konska River, drain it. The southern side of the Ljulin Mountain and the western flank of the Vitosha Mountain draw to the North and to the East the orographic boundaries of the hollow. These are separated by the Vladaja defile (890 meters above sea level). The adjacent Breznik Hollow through a low elevation - the Usoitsa Ridge, bound the hollow to the West (780-810 meters above sea level), and Golo Bardo, which is split by the Struma gorge below the Krakra region.
The hollow's relief is highly varied. The southern slopes are slant and bare, while the northern slopes are steeper and covered with vegetation.
The town of Pernik itself has a linearly developed structure. It is situated primarily in the lowlands along the Struma River.
The climate in the region has four seasons- the summer is warm but not hot while the winter is very cold. The spring is breezy and with great numer of rainfalls- it begins at the end of March or at the begining of April while the autumn is more warmer. Foehn winds are typical for the spring and autumn.
The regions near mountains Vistosha, Lyulin, Golo Bardo and Lyubash / in the regions of Rudartsi, Kladnitsa, Studena, Pernik and etc./ has weter climate with more numbers of rainfalls.
When there are Western or South-western winds, which are prevalent, foehns is observed on the Northern slopes of Golo Bardo. It is most typically observed in springtime.
The number of foggy days in the year is relatively large - about 28.8. There are about 2.5 foggy days in the warm half of the year and about 26.3 in the cold half.
Precipitations are of a markedly continental nature. They play an important role in the process of pollution and self-purification of the atmosphere. The amount of precipitations, along with the relatively low summer temperatures, are the main causes for the summer droughts being less severe than in the lowlands of Northern and Central Bulgaria. The average yearly precipitations amount is 550 to 606 mm. The average precipitation amount for each season is, as follows: Spring - 162 mm., summer - 165 mm., autumn - 152 mm., winter - 128 mm. May is the most humid month of the year. March is the month with least precipitations amount.
The comparatively large precipitation amount is a favourable factor for the self-purification of the atmosphere. However, it decreases the diffusion and leads to an increased burden on the soil and the surface waters.