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Ruse region

Bulgarian properties in Ruse Region

 Rousse region is one of the 28 Bulgarian regions. It includes a part of the hilly Danubian Plain, the Danubian riverside plain of Pobrezhie and a part of Ludogorie lowlands. The region consists of eight municipalities: Ruse, Byala, Ivanovo, Tsenovo, Borovo, Slivo pole, Dve mogili and Vetovo, and the administrative region centre is the city of Ruse with a population of 162 131.


The climate in the region of Ruse is influenced by the characteristics of the Danube plain- it is with cold winter, dry and warm summer, while the autumn and spring do not last long. The strong winds in the winter and the mists are typical in the region because of the closeness of the Danube river. 

The danube river

The north border of the region coincides with the state border and it goes along the Danube River. Its geographical situation characterizes it as an important European and republican transport crossroad. Here is the only bridge over Danube River on the territory of Bulgaria.  The middle point of the bridge marks the boundary between Bulgaria and Romania. The Danube river is linked through the European waterway system with the Meine and the Rhine rivers and connects the North Sea with the Black Sea.
The Danube river offers numerous possibilities for fishing, rest, tourism, water sports, and many other kinds pf entertainment.

Standing by the waterside of the river you can see the most amazing sunset, with colours that fill all your senses.


The first railroad line in Bulgaria  Ruse-Varna, built in 1866, crosses the region. Two of the European transport corridors (No. 7 and No. 9) are crossed on its territory and they ensure the connection between Baltic and North Sea regions on the one hand and Mediterranean and Black sea on the other. Through the city of Ruse the connection between Danube river and Black sea on Bulgarian territory (Ruse-Varna) is made. Here is also the final point of the Ro-Ro line between Ruse and the Ukrainian city Reni.

geopolitical situation

The geopolitical situation of Ruse region gives wide opportunities for cross border cooperation in the context of the European regional policy, as well as with the neighbor regions, with which it was connected administratively and economically in different times and in different configurations.

Since the year 2000, the region is administrative centre of The North Central Planning Region, including the regions of Ruse, Pleven, Veliko Tarnovo, Gabrovo and Lovech. A greater part of the administrative capacity of the region is concentrated in Ruse.



The region of Rousse is characterized by an economic structure, dominated by industry and different services. The production of plastic and rubber articles, clothes, electrical appliances and means of transport.

Rousse region has a well-developed educational system, consisting of Rousse Techical University "Angel Kanchev", 10 secondary schools, 2 high schools, 1 Arts High School, 77 elementary schools, 3 techical colleges.

Places of interest

The region is also rich in historical-cultural monuments. In Ivanovo and Dve Mogili municipals one can see the unique Ivanovo Rock Monastery - included in UNESCO list of the historical-cultural heritage with world significance. Another place worth seeing is the Medieval Town of Cherven, one of the few fortresses that is preserved in Bulgaria.

"Rusenski Lom" Park in Ivanovo municipality covers 3260 ha of the valley of Rusenski Lom Rivera and the lowest parts of Cherni Lom and Beli Lom tributies. It was created in 1970 with the purpose of preserving the canyons of the three rivers and its vegetation, animal world and historical sights.

12km from Rousse is Lipnik Park - with restaurants, hotels, artificial lakes and 25 km from it is Orlova Chuka Cave - the second longest one in Bulgaria. 15 km away from the city of Rousse is the only functioning rock church in Bulgaria - Basarbovski Monastery.

The Danube river offers numerous possibilities for fishing, rest, tourism, water sports, and many other kinds pf entertainment.

Sources: Official web-site of Rousse region, internet site Guide-Bulgaria/Rousse, internet site Wikepedia/EN/Rousse.

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