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Bulgarian properties in Shumen Region

Location and general information

Shoumen Region is situated in the Northeastern Bulgaria and borders the regions of Varna, Razgrad and Targovishte. It includes the city of Shoumen and 26 villages.

As of December 31, 2001 with population of 104 002 the municipality of Shoumen is among the 12 Bulgarian municipalities with a population over 100 thousand people.

The city of Shoumen is situated on an important transport crossroad. Through him pass the northern railway line Sofia-Varna and the link with direction Shumen-Komunari-Southern Bulgaria. Important highways -  I-2 Ruse-Shoumen-Varna, I-4 Sofia-Targovishte-Belokopitovo and I-7 Silistra-Shoumen-Iambol, as well as part of the Hemus /Sofia-Varna/ Highway pass the municipality.



It characterizes with hot summer with average July temperature 22˚ С, and cold winter with average temperature in January-1˚ С. More fainfalls are typical in the end of the spring and at the begining of the summer. Northern winds are characteristic of the region. 


The region's largest business sector is trade, repair of automobiles and home appliances, followed by heavy and light manufacturing; and on the third place  is the combination of hotels, hostel and food service, transportation and communications, travel agencies and tourism, and real property activities and renting. The strongest branch for municipality is light industry, represented by manufacture, textile, tailoring, food and tobacco industries, and construction.

Municipality of Shoumen has the resources for agricultural development. The availability of productive land (77,7% of the available land in use) opens the possibility for the development of the food industry in the municipality. The natural resources are ideal for grain, vineyards, sugar beets, and stock-breeding. A Bulgarian Scientific Institute in stock-breeding, horse-breeding, buffalo-breeding and sugar beet development is located in the municipality. The municipality includes a well developed market for village agricultural products. With a developed food industry and the presence of large amount of unused production capacity, there are possibilities for further market development. There is also excess capacity in local milk production, meat production, brewing, wine bottling and canning industries.


National historical-archaeological preserve Pliska
Capital of the first Bulgarian state established from Asparouh. Relics from monumental architectural objects are situated on an area of 23 sq. km. In the archaeological museum, conditions of life of the villages, the materials and the spiritual culture from the period VII - X centuries are shown.

National historical-archaeological preserve Veliki Preslav
Veliki Preslav (Great Preslav) is the capital of the Bulgarian state from 893 to 972. In the archaeological museum masterpieces of the Bulgarian Golden age are exhibited: Preslavian golden treasure, the ceramic icon St. Theodore, a golden stamp collection, authentic written monuments from IX - XI centuries.

Historical-archaeological preserve The Shoumen Fortres
Rising three kilometers west of the city of Shoumen is the Shoumen Fortress which has existed more than 3200 years. During early and late middle ages the Shoumen Fortress was Bulgarian maintained and played an important role in the history. During 1444, about the time of the crusade march of Vladislav III Yagelo, the fortress was destroyed and burned down. The Fortress is one of the most explored archaeological sites in the country. The fortress and the architecture, homes and thousands of movable monuments bear record of the diverse functions during the different periods, predominantly during the time of the second Bulgarian kingdom. Today the Shoumen fortress is exhibited as an open-air museum.

National historical archeological preserve Madara
The wealth of open-air archeological monuments dating from 4000 B.C. to the 15th century gives reasons to the researchers to call Madara the "Bulgarian Troya". The most remarkable monument in the preserve is the unique rock relief Madara Horseman. The only in Europe, it is a model of Old Bulgarian art and symbolizes the power and greatness of the Bulgarian state. The inscriptions around the horseman are written in Greek, revealing the entrance of three Bulgarian Khans -Tervel, Krum, Omurtag . The Madara Horseman is recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage site. In the historical sciences Madara is well-known as a religious center. Remains of sanctuaries, Christian churches, chapels are discovered here. During the 14th century, in the rocks of the plateau, the biggest Bulgarian rock monastery was created with over 150 chambers. Today, Madara is one of the most visited tourist sites in the country.


Natural park Shoumen Plateau
Shoumensko Plato combines the beauty of nature and the culture and history of the region, which could be felt only in its bosoms, among the ruins of fortresses and ancient villages, in the quietness of the cliff monasteries and beneath the granite lion on the top of the plateau. Shoumensko plateau” is the most typical and highest plateau in Northern Bulgaria. Its average altitude is 350 meters and its highest peak is 502 meters. There are about 60 registered caves on the plateau. On the slopes of the plateau have been preserved cliff monasteries, churches and monk cells. The biological variety on the territory of the Shounesko plato is determinate by its geographic location, climatic conditions and the relief special features. The higher plants are about 550 species from 245 genuses and 64 families. The study of the flora has determined about 9 protected species, 3 threatened and 12 rare plants. The wealth of the water – birds is opulent, especially at the swamps. From the mammals red deer, deer, wild boar and some rare species – black woodpecker, collared flycatcher and sombre tit can be seen.
Shoumensko Plato offers opportunities for tourism, mountain biking, eco-routes to eight monasteries.

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