Silistra Province is located in the Northeastern part of Bulgaria and is named after its main city -Silistra. To the north and north-east it borders Romania by land, and on the river Danube. The province is known for its pelicans and the apricot brandy.
The province is a traditional agricultural province, mainly because of its fertile soil. Besides the administrative centre, other towns include Tutrakan, Alfatar, Dulovo, and Glavnitsa.
The climate is characterized by a hot summer, the early beginning of spring and the freezing cold winters. The snow-cover lasts comparatevely long- for about 60 days in the year. Mists and strong winds are typical in the region because of the closeness of Danube.
The region is with very well developed transport links - both road and railroad, a river port and an airport not far away. By water corridor number 7 and Rein-Mein channel create a precondition for the passage of commodity through "the road of silk" to Westetn Europe. The good geographic location and the excellent transport links of the region are key factors for the economic development. There are lots of factories prodicied food and drinks, plastic and metal goods, electronic appliances, clothes.
Srebarna Reserve, also a part of the region, is included in the world fund of the UNESCO in 1984. It is 16 km away from the town of Silitsra. And this is the only place in Bulgaria where you can see a curly-headed pelican.
Sources: official website of Silistra region.