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Sofia Region

Bulgarian properties in Sofia Region


The Republic of Bulgaria is divided into 28 regions and Sofia region is one of them.
It is located in the central part of Western Bulgaria. The population is concentrated in 289 settlements within 22 municipalities: Bojurshte, Botevgrad, Godech, Gorna Malina, Dragoman, Elin Pelin, Etropole, Ihtiman, Koprivshtitza, Kostenetz, Kostinbrod, Pravetz, Samokov, Svoge, Slivnitza, Zlatitza, Anton, Pirdop, Mirkovo, Chavdar, Chelopech, Dolna Banya. Sofia region is the second largest in the country following Burgas region and it is the largest one by the number of the municipalities included in it.
The closeness of the region to the country's capital is the most significant factor influencing on the region's development processes  and on that account Sofia is a region of unique features. Six municipalities beloning to the region border Sofia city: Bojurishte, Kostinbrod, Svoge, Elin Pelin, Ihtiman and Samokov
Sofia city is the administrative centre of the region, meanwhile it is Bulgaria's capital city and the biggest political, economic and cultural centre of the country.
In terms of climate it characterizes with warm summer and cold winter. The spring is breezy, while the autum is warm and often lasts longer. The climate in the region of Sofia city is weter, with more rainfalls because of the closeness of Vitosha mountain
Foehn winds are often seen in the Sofia valley during the spring and autumn. 
 Some of the most important high ways /Hemus Highway, E70, E72, E83/ crossing Bulgaria' s territory and connecting the capital with the town of Varna are passing in the same time through Sofia region's territory.

Historical heritage

The variety of valuable archeological monuments, works of art and defensive works are an evidence in favour of the zenith and significance of ancient Serdika. Known to be an important cross-road point in the Eastern Roman Empire the town of Serdika has suffered the barbarians' invasions and has been badly defeated. It's glorious days has never been restored in the future, but the fortress and the magnificant St. Sofia church have been preserved and rebuilt.                                                   
In 6th century over the rule of the Roman emperor Yustinyan the town has re-established its significance within the Eastern Roman Empire. But shortly after its revival Serdika has suffered the attacks of the slav tribes invasing the Balkan peninsula, which happened to be a turning point in Serdika's history for centures ahead.
In 9th century over the rule of Khan Krum, Serdika has changed its name into Sredetz by a slavic manner and has become an important military, political and cultural centre of the medieval Bulgarian country.
The Byzantine domination during 9th and 12th century the town known under the name of Triaditza has discontinued its growth. In 13th and 14th century Sredetz has cherished an economic and cultural prosperity.
By the end of 14 century the town's name has been changed into Sofia. During the recent period it is a well fortificated and rich town.
After the liberation from the Osman empire domination in 1878 Sofia has been announced a capital due to its geographical location and economic potential. The infrastucture development of Sofia becomes an issue of a national importance.


Sofia region is distinguished by its natural resources, cultural and historical sights and opportunities for rest and tourism.
In a close proximity to the capital city of Sofia there is raising up the glorious Vitosha mountain - the most visited one among the Bulgarian mountains. There can be found wonderful touristic centers - well known for their maintained ski paths, facilities and naturally beautiful sights such as the Golden bridges, Boyana water- fall, Duhlata cave /the longest one in Bulgaria/. The biological diversity of the region is presereved in Park Vitosha where thanks to the numerous picturesque mountain routes help enjoy the gorgeous nature.
The other mountains in the region are Verila /in the South/, Plana /in the East/, Lozenska /in Northeast/.  Some of the most preferred places for rest in the region are Pancharevo lake and Iskar lake.


The cultural and historical heritage of the region is exceptionally rich. There are numerous of museums, churches, architectural and historical monuments in Sofia city as well as many monasteries situated on the Sofia region's territory: Dragalevski, Vakarelski, Pancharevski, Kladnishki, Vladaiski. Boyana church - famous for its uniqueness and recognised by UNESCO to be of a world significance is located in a close proximity to the city of Sofia.

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