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Veliko Tarnovo Region

Bulgarian properties in Veliko Tarnovo Region


Region of Veliko Tarnovo is located in the Central Northern Bulgaria. The region includes 10 municipalities - Veliko Tarnovo, Gorna Oryahovitsa, Lyaskovets, Elena, Zlataritsa, Pavlikeni, Polski Trambesh, Svishtov, Strazhitsa and Suhindol. The region characterizes with rich cultural-historical heritage, which defines the different possibilities for cultural tourism. Lots of small villages with preserved appearance such as Ledenik, Arbanasi, etc. are in the region. They have developed cultural and village tourism.

Veliko Tarnovo region benefits from a very nice geographical location. Its territory combines the mountainous, hilly and plain relief. A big diversity of fertile lands can be found here.

The climate characterizes with hot summers, without great heat, and cold winters - the long-lasting and biting cold is rare. Periods of long-lasting drought are often - espessially during July, August and September. There are lots of rainfalls at the beginning of the summer- May and June.

There is a spesial feature in the climate - in the regions from Prisovo to Kilifarevo anfd from Debelets to Mindya the climate is more mild and soft because the regions is protected from the northern and western winds which are typical for the rest of the region.

The region borders with Danube river, where town of Svishtov is located. Town of Svishtov is a harbour town which connects the country with the Central Europe countries. A lot of forests are spread onto the region and have kept the great variety of game. The ecological problem is improving all the time, because of the lack of pollutants of the environment and the water. This is a result of the changes in the industries and the agriculture in the past 10 years.


The geographical location in Central Bulgaria makes the region a crossroad of main international and transport thoroughfares. One of the ten international transport corridors Helzinki - Moscow - Bucurest - Alexandropolis passes through it. It /corridor 9/ connects Europe with Asia and the Near East. Corridor 9 is connected with corridor 7 /Danube river/, corridor 8 /the Adriatic Sea - the Black Sea/ and corridor 4 /Sofia-Svilengrad/. In direction West-East the national highway Hemus from Sofia to Varna passes through the region. Gorna Oryahovitsa's airport is very well-equipped with the latest technologies and is one of the main advantages of the transport infrastructure of the region. The airport is with around-the-clock working scheme and have cargo, passenger and chartered flights from Europe, Asia and Afrika. Gorna Oryahovitsa is the second most important railway station in Bulgaria. It is a crossroad of all railway lines that go through inside and outside the country. A harbour is constructed in town of Svishtov, which is the connection with the Central European countries.


There are three universities in the region. The second biggest university of Bulgaria University of Veliko Tarnovo is here. The National Military University and the Academy of Economics are situated in the region, too. All of them are universities with impressive traditions and excellent training.


The economics of the region characterizes with a big diversity of industries and traditional productions. The advantages of the region are the good geographic and transport location, the well-developed communicative, electrical and water structures, the fertile lands, etc. The agriculture is one of the main industries that have great influence in the country on regional level.


Veliko Tarnovo region gives excellent possibilities for tourism such as remarkable natural sights, historical and cultural monuments and museums, unique architectural objects, a lot of monasteries, interesting relief, moderate climate, ecologically clean environment, mineral springs and hunting opportunities.

The region comprises 140 culture monuments that are 15% of the monuments in the country. 67% of them are located in Veliko Tarnovo. The administrative centre is city of Veliko Tarnovo. It used to be the capital of Medieval Bulgaria. Evidence for this period are the fortresses Tsarevets and Trapezitsa. The greatness of the fortresses is shown in the unique audio-visual spectacle 'Tsarevgrad Tarnov - light and sound'. The two international folk festivals in May and July take place every year in city of Veliko Tarnovo. They gather musicians, singers and dancers from all over the world. The preserved environment and the ecologically clean agricultural production give opportunities for developing one of the most attractive tourism activities - village tourism and ecotourism.

Several wine centres in the region /Lyaskovets, Suhindol, Kraisen/ attract the lovers of authentic wine tourism. Town Lyaskovets comprises a Museum of gardening and vine-growing, where in authentic atmosphere tourists can taste the wines of the cellars.

In close proximity is the Arbanasi architectural reserve, which is included in the list for cultural heritage of UNESCO. This completely preserved old town impresses with its marvellous Bulgarian national revival architecture of houses and churches from 16-17 century and museums which managed to keep the traditions and the style of living in Veliko Tarnovo region.

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